CEUs - Psychedelic Fundamentals: The Psychology & Science of Psychedelic Use

By Educational Narratives (other events)

Saturday, February 23 2019 9:00 AM 4:30 PM PDT

To register for Continuing Education Units and receive the certificate after attending the workshop

  1. pay for the CEUs
  2. sign in and out on the attendence sheet
  3. complete the post workshop evaluation not more than 2 weeks after the workshop, including your name and license type & number

The certificate confirming 6 CEUs provided by CAMFT CE Provider Educational Narratives (#139251) will be sent not later than 2 weeks of your completinon of the online evaluation.

The identifying information (your name and license type & number) will be redacted prior to sharing the evaluation results with the presenter.

Did you register for the workshop? If not yet, go to registration.

Millions of Americans have used psychedelic substances such as LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, MDMA, and ayahuasca to explore altered states of consciousness. In the last two decades, a renewed interest has emerged for the use of psychedelics to treat various mental health as well as physical conditions. In parallel, there has been an expansion of ritual use of naturally occurring psychedelics for purposes of religious experience, psychospiritual wellbeing, community connection, and healing. Under optimal circumstances, psychedelics can elicit potent spiritual experiences with profound ramifications and benefits on the lives of those that use them and their surroundings. However, in sub-optimal or adverse conditions they can lead to physical and/or psychological damage. Alongside a pharmacological foundation of knowledge, psychological techniques and interventions are essential for minimizing potential risks and for maximizing potential benefits associated with psychedelic use. This seminar is designed to provide the participant with the fundamental knowledge and clinical tools necessary to support individuals who are interested in or are using psychedelics. Participants will learn to discern between various uses of psychedelic substances, and their potential benefits and risks. An optimal harm-reduction oriented support structure for preparation and post-experience integration will be presented. The seminar will focus on psychedelics that are commonly used in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, recreational and/or ritual settings, or hold considerable therapeutic potential for treatment of substance use disorders.


  1. Introduce and define psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and ritual psychedelic use
  2. Describe legal status, basic pharmacology, and clinical research of psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, ayahuasca, and ibogaine
  3. Articulate 3 characteristics of a psychedelic experience and its potential therapeutic benefits
  4. Discuss strategies for preparation and integration of psychedelic drug experiences
  5. Explore 2 ethical considerations for discussing psychedelic use with clients

Educational Narratives,CAMFT approved CEU provider #139251, is providing the CEUs.

Did you not yet register for the workshop? Go here:

Doors open at 8:30 for sign in.